SpaceMov Free Interstellar

Interstellar SpaceMov



In Earth"s future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand, a brilliant N.A.S.A. physicist, is working on plans to save mankind by transporting Earth"s population to a new home via a womhole. But first, Brand must send former N.A.S.A. pilot Cooper and a team of researchers through the wormhole and across the galaxy to find out which of three planets could be mankind"s new home / 2014 / Rating 1406292 Votes / Average rating 8,7 of 10 Star / / Christopher Nolan






Doctor : you have only 1 hour to live Me : Ok then i will watch this video Doctor : But it 1:1:45 hours God : I"ll Allow It. Y c4 b1ld c4 b1zlararas c4 b1 oil. Y c4 b1ld c4 b1zlar aras c4 b1 bomber. This scene has a separate fan base. No other movie like Interstellar made me feel so small and made me question in such a way my own existence. True master piece and my favorite movie of all. Imagine seeing your kids" grow up an live their lives over the course of a couple minutes of video footage... Everyone: You can"t extend a four minute song out to thirteen minutes it"s impossible! Cinémavore: No, it"s necessary.

Y c4 b1ld c4 b1zlararas c4 b1 review. Just goes to show, the man saved the whole planet and the girl gets all the credit. 1:12 I like that Tars is telling Cooper what the name of the song is playing. This was my 2nd all time favorite movie theater experience behind The Sixth Sense in 1999. I"ve seen this twice, just twice... I need to see this more times. Omg it just hit me. what if the beings are using TARS as a bridge to ask Cooper all of the right questions in order for him to come to specific conclusions? Like Tars is a computer, so the information is math and they are sending the math through TARS and it is exported in a language that Cooper can understand. Like they know that by asking him certain questions, they can trigger a specific thought process that steers Cooper to figure it out on his own. Why wouldn"t they just tell him? Because then he wouldn"t have the drive to do it on his own, and communicate with Murph, so basically they are using TARS as a proxy to talk to Cooper in order for Cooper to be a proxy to Murph. SERIOUSLY, think about how TARS is talking to Cooper. Why would TARS, a highly advanced AI supercomputer, ask Cooper all of these questions with extreme curiosity? In order to trigger Cooper to figure it out for himself. It makes perfect sense too. Some of the theories indicate that they built this machine in order to change the course of events without actually interfering. If the beings spoke to Cooper or Murph directly, it would have been interfering. Hence why they use TARS as a a proxy to Cooper (who thinks he is just talking to TARS) so that Cooper can talk to Murph in a way that she will 100% understand.

When study for test EXAM in university be like 3:05.

Damm this movie is at an interstellar level

The acting of Matthew is amazing! Have no words for this scene. I love how its mearly been months for him since he left earth, yet for everyone else its been 80+ years due to time dilation. Doctor: Welcome back from the black hole. You didn"t turn into noodles really lucky. No parent should have to watch their child die ????. 10 seconds in and I already have goosebumps. At 0:40 honestly first time I saw that was like oh shit it"s a side colony from the Gundam series...

Hans Zimmer should be given a noble prize in music rather than an oscar. The music is in this scene is majestic. *Intensity intensifies... The way the score cuts when the videos stop for the first time. brilliant. Me trying to plug the charger in the wall at night in the dark.

You guys are looking at this all wrong. We are not meaningless. Our existence is not inconsequential. Our purpose was, is, and will always be, to explore, seek, understand. We will unite with our long lost friends who became the living matter of other planets. Reunited like family, with the twin you never knew existed. That is our purpose. This is our destiny as humans. We have been forged through millennia to arrive at this exact moment, and as the universe keeps ever expanding, we expand the human footprint on the universe. We are a biological miracle. We are the explorers of the stars. We are the living matter on a journey to find our way home. We are by definition - the star children.

Y c4 b1ld c4 b1zlararas c4 b1 battery. My father died... His spaceship failed to dock and slammed into the space station... Killing 42 people... Including himself... I watched it... On the news... I saw his spaceship cirlce the earth a few times until I got word from the news that it wasnt his spaceship. It was a rescue one. going up to find him... My heart was broken when I heard it... I neveer even got to say goodbye... Or even hug him... Not even a kiss or a goodnight story... My mom left me on the side of the road the next day... A pack of wolves dragged me... To somewhere... I grew up with them but I still learned how to be human. I was adopted by strangers. They took great care of me... I still wont forget my father... To all of you who have lost somebody. Your not the only one. WE"re all connected. We all lose people we love. And you know. We have to deal with it the best we can. I know you cant just let it slide but. You have to. Spread it with your children. At some point you have to let somebody in your life go... Whether it"s yor two friends. And you have to kill somebody. I would kill myself for them. I dont want them to feel pain. xx Alcatraz.(Edit: WE all die at some point. We all love somebody. x3 You just gotta deal with it. 3.

This is, hands down, one of the most powerful scenes in filmmaking history. I wish so badly that I could go back to 2014 and see this movie in imax for the first time again. How do you know she"s going to come back for it?Because i gave it to her. 0:57 that scene is SPECTACULAR. Imagine u had hyperslept for 23 years and when u wake up, the things u heard during these many years are deaths and disappointment from ur family, while u have no way to tell them the truth.

Y c4 b1ld c4 b1zlararas c4 b1 supplement

We"re all gonna look like the bruce in the begining of the movie by the end of this quarentine. I knew you would come back How? Because my dad promised me.